Miesiąc: czerwiec 2024

20 years of CONFidence in 2025! Early Bird tickets

In 2025 we’ll meet for the 25th time, marking 20 years of the CONFidence conference! We want you to celebrate with us, honoring the experiences that formed the event into its current form and continue to shape its future together. Get ready for an excellent conference experience, featuring hottest news, keynote lectures, and productive networking.…
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Another record: over 1700 attendees in 2024

CONFidence 2024 was a blast: over 1700 cybersecurity enthusiasts gathered in Krakow. We hope they benefited from the conference and met their goals, whether it was upskilling, networking, or keeping up with security news.  Now it’s time for a summary of the 24th edition of CONFidence. This year, we hosted 39 lectures and 8 workshops,…
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