*all of the presentations will be available in the upcoming days. Please note that some of the speakers did not give their consent to share the slides or the videos
The excitement is not over, but the 18th edition of CONFidence is behind us. In 2019 with over 60 speakers, 47 media & communities, once again we created the biggest IT security conference in CEE. 1300 security experts, researchers, developers, and IT specialists from almost 30 countries visited Kraków to take part in this event.
We hope that attendees enjoyed CONFidence, agenda, food, cold beer, partners zone, CTF, treasure hunt, and that you made new friends in InfoSec. Actually, we suppose that participants did enjoy it cause we received 4,21 overall rate out of 5. Thank you!
We’ll take care of guarantying even more knowledge and fun next year. May we meet again!
CONFidence Conference Recap 2019
This year we're beginning to introduce workshops to the conference. Workshops are free for attendees. More details soon.
A place for communities and open-source researchers to present themselves. Wanting to show up with your booth?
Contact Tomek at tomek[at]confidence-conference.org to become our Community Partner
An additional track created by communities. The applications are separate from the main CFP.
If you would like to present there please contact Tomek at tomek[at]confidence-conference.org for more info
Or rather a crazy contest for crazy people, is not stopping this year. Two days and 50 treasures to find and hunt. Hawaiian shirt, a receipt for 13,46 PLN or a turnip.
Bring your creativity on and wait for a list of treasures to find for a conference this year. Fun and prizes guaranteed.
A day of free workshops for students from local schools. Let's open new possibilities for kids together. Want to take part in creating this unique project?
Please contact Paulina at paulina[at]confidence-conference.org
Is back.
It will be organized by P4 team .
You can expect teaser around mid March, but no worries if you miss it - you can join during the conference at any time.
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
The times of lectures in the agenda may be subject to change.
An additional track prepared by our representatives of our partner communities
Top1 - Top3: