CONFidence 1

Aula Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej w Krakowie

Październik 2005

About conference

The first edition of CONFidence was a turning point in polish IT Sec scene. The first prelection was led by Wojciech Świątek, Motorola, on “Iconic aspects of security” and was an unexpected but huge success. Why unexpected? Noone was ready for the prelection so different from what they normally hear at the conferences.

After this, the conference got back to the tech topic with the prelections about CERB and credit cards. Przemysław Polański presented a talk about e-banking traditions and Przemysław Frasunek led a prelection about the usage of the implementation errors in software.

After the first day of prelections, whole CONFidence crew (attendees, speakers and staff) proceeded to the unofficial part in a SHOWTIME pub on a Main Square. The lectures happened again on the second day of the conference, alongside with the competitions and certification. The attendees got back home with new knowledge and a network of contacts that will, for sure, be useful in developing their IT Sec career.