CONFidence ONline - a virtual meeting with real emotions

We would have met face to face in June. Unfortunately, the epidemic thwarted our plans and we had to transfer our meeting to the network. See how it went!

Confidence Online was held on June 2nd, attended by 363 people associated with the ITsec industry.
Among the speakers were the best cybersec specialists who you know from the stationary version of the Confidence Conference. According to your votes in the survey, your favourite lecture was “Worst practice scenario - why bad security advice is worse than no advice” prepared by Adam Heartle.

The level of all lectures was rated very high, and the speakers willingly continued the discussion on our Discord channel. Anyway, not only discussions with the speakers took place on Discord! Of course, there were competitions, memes and jokes - so all what you love in our conference!

Thank you very much for being with us! We know that Confidence Online participants were from around the world: Poland, India, United Kingdom, United States, Hungary, Austria, Mexico, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone…
And of course, huge applause and big thanks to our irreplaceable hosts - Adam Lange and Kuba Kozioł! You're the best!

We miss you very much and we hope that we will meet in September in Krakow!

See you soon!