The first online CONFidence Class meeting!

Learning online during a pandemic can be interesting, as demonstrated by the recent CONFidence Class! #Stayathome with us!

The first online version of Confidence Class took place on May 4th. Our speaker was Michał Ogorzałek - a graduate of Teleinformatics at the AGH University in Krakow. For three years he has been gaining experience as a pentester at SecuRing, where he mainly deals with web application security. The interest in wireless communication, which he acquired during his studies, was combined with a passion for hacking, and so Michał found himself in CONFidence Class :)

Virtual classes about the world without cables

Wireless communication seems mysterious and difficult to understand for many people. This, in turn, leads to less exploration of this area and a lack of awareness about its security. During the lecture, students understood the basic principles of a "world without cables", learned the basic attacks on wireless systems and looked for ways to protect against them.

See how the class looked like!