Workshops at CONFidence 2023

We’re all about hands-on experience, sharing tips and tools, and pragmatic knowledge. That’s why this year you will also have a chance to participate in practical workshops organized by our expert trainers.

Choose the right workshop for you and sign up via Eventory:

  • “Smart contract bug hunting 101 - Ethereum edition” with Samandeep Singh (Level: Beginner)
  • “Speed up your Reverse Enginnering investigations in Ghidra with AskJOE and OpenAI” with Charles Lomboni
  • “One SMALI step for man, one giant step for researchers” with Gabriel Cirlig (Level: Beginner)
  • “Talking to Windows drivers” with Grzegorz Tworek (Level: Intermediate)

Each workshop is limited to 15 participants. Only registered attendees can sign up for the workshops.