
CONFidence is organized by PROIDEA - a company involved in the production and complex organization of Polish and international events. We specialize in the events of the IT/tech industry, and we support the development of this market in Central and Eastern Europe. During the 10 years of our activity we have gained the trust of many international experts who regularly share their knowledge on our conferences: PLNOG, Atmosphere, Bitspiration, JDD, HackYeah and 4Developers. Our external clients list includes e.g. Allegro and Cisco.

Discover other events organized by PROIDEA:

4Developers- interdisciplinary tech festival, a meeting of the whole Polish IT community
PLNOG - independent gathering of experts from the biggest Polish companies, which main purpose is to support Polish ICT industry
HackYeah - the biggest stationary hackathon in Europe
JDD - a two-day conference for all Java enthusiasts - anyone who lives and breathes Java in their professional and personal lives
Atmosphere Conference - is a meeting aimed at sharing the DevOps culture and metodology in Poland and CEE countries.
DevOpsDays – Polish edition of a well-known international conference that deals with DevOps subject at presentations, ignite talks and openspaces

To find out more visit our website.

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